
Monday, June 28, 2010

Kids Bento

I was beginning to panic when Y refused to eat anything and was on a milk diet due to sickness for more than 10 days. I saw some cute accessories for Bento making at Daiso one day and I bought these to make something special for him in the hope that he would at least eat some food.     

Lunch Boxes, Bread Cutter, Food Dividers, Silicon Penguin and Bear Shaped Jelly Cup, Sauce Bottles

And I was elated when Yuan managed to finish 3/4 of it and K almost finished his and a small bowl of porridge.

Y&K enjoying their bento

What's in the Bento?

From Left: Steamed Long Beans with Cherry Tomatoes, Tofu Nuggets (recipe can be found here), Breaded Baked Fish, Homemade Tomato Sauce in Sauce Container. 
(The sauce container was a hit, they were happily licking the sauce off container at the end of the meal)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sensory Rice Bin

What You Need:
  • A Bin or any Container  (I use a bin that I got from Ikea but the depth is a little too deep for my 17 months old toddler. Oh well... their hands will grow longer.)
  • Rice 
  • Toys for Sand Play (Scoops, Shovels, Cups, etc)
  • Others - You can also add things like Magnetic Letters for letter hunt, Sea Shells, Pom Poms, etc. 
Just fill the bin to 2-3" deep, add whatever you wish to the bin and let your kids have fun!

My boys enjoyed this Rice Bin for almost 2 hours! This amount of time spent was incredible, considering a toddler's short attention span.
 K: "Why is this thing sticking on my hand?"
K scooping the rice

Tip: Lay a plastic sheet below (if you are playing indoors) for easy clean up.

Here is Y, attempting to help me sweep up the rice.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Elephant Finger Puppet

We did an Elephant Finger Puppet for Letter E Craft. I found this cute craft at Enchanted Learning and you can find the template here. It's a very cute and simple craft which I think it's suitable for 15 months and up. Older toddlers can cut the template after decorating themselves.
I found these bed trays at Ikea and thought they make good craft tables. The boys were using it for the first time and they seem happy with them.
I printed the Elephant template on cardstock and let the boys decorate their elephant with crayons.
When they are done, I helped them cut the elephant shape and a hole at the center for their fingers. I thought it looks very cute and fun but Y didn't even want to slip his fingers in and K only played with it for maybe 1 minute.