
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Writing and Drawing Practice - With Sand

Eversince the small "accident" we had after our first Sand Sensory Play at home, we did not touch the bag of sand I bought. I didn't want to let it go to waste, especially after so much effort of finding it and lugging the 10kg load back home on public transport. I decided to do some writing and drawing practice with them today. Papa is home to join us in this activity, which is great because it's also safer with another adult supervising the activity.

What You Need:
2 trays or any shallow dish or container
Play Sand
Sticks (optional, I used disposable chopsticks)

I had originally wanted them to write/draw with their fingers but they refused to let go of their new motorbikes and were a little finicky about having sand on their fingers. I find it very weird. They don't think twice to touch the sand when we are at a beach but they need lots of encouragements to touch it when we are home. I guess Sand and Home just don't go together. :)

We went through some of the alphabets that had been taught and drew some objects that starts with the letter.

We used sticks to draw and smoothen the sand for new drawing.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fine Motor Skills Activity - Scooping Beans

Scooping is a Montessori inspired activity. This is a very easy activity to put together to keep your children occupied for at least half an hour. It was 45 mins for mine. You can let your children practice scooping with all many materials available at home, rice and all sorts of beans, etc. But keep a close watch, though my boys have out grown tasting, they still attempt to put the beans in their mouth.

What You Need:
2 Containers
Beans (I got those big red beans)

Y, practicing his scooping but he soon got impatient and just poured the beans over the other container.

Monday, October 4, 2010

L is for Ladyfingers - Painting or Stamping with Ladyfingers

Time passes so fast! I have been swamped with my work and have not been able to update the blog with the activities we did. Activities were cut down due to my work but I try to have at least 2 table activities each week.

We did ladyfinger stamping for Letter L crafts and it became painting instead of stamping when Y decided to turn the vegetable to have the sharp end pointing down.

What You Need:
Ladyfingers (cut into halves)

Y, doing his stamping

K had fun stamping too.

Y decided to turn the ladyfinger with the pointed side facing down. He used it like a brush to "brush" the stamped prints on his paper.

The aftermath.