
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Homemade Toys - Car Ramp

I hope I'm not boring you guys with all the cars related activities. I don't have much choice because my boys simply love cars and all things related to transportation.

My husband said we should look out for car ramp toys for the boys to play with. I checked out some and I thought they are pretty expensive. We could probably get one for them since their birthday is just around the corner but I thought why don't we built one ourselves?! So, on rainy afternoon with 2 boys that are dying of boredom, we built a simple ramp out of kitchen towel rolls and masking tape. It was flimsy and it didn't last for more than an hour. The next day, we improvised and built this.

I'm not creative nor artsy but I hope to share with my boys that we can create our playthings. Just like during my parents' time when toys are considered a luxury and they created their playthings with leaves and twigs. It's something that city kids don't get a chance to, including myself when I was a kid. To "de-urbanized" is really hard for us in a small city like Singapore. 

What You Need:
Masking Tape
Toy Trees

(1) I filled the empty box with some newspaper for some weight. You might not need to do this but I had to because the boys like to sit on the box.

(2) I folded the cardboard for the "wall".

(3) Tape the cardboard ramp to the box.

(4) Make some road drawings on the box, put some deco like toy trees, etc.

(5) Get your cars out for some fun!

Pardon my drawing on the box. I can't draw. The boys always have very challenging drawing requests and I just have to tell them Mummy doesn't really know how to draw that but I can try. They make me very happy when they tell me what I am drawing when I can't even recognize it myself. And these days, when I'm stumped with another challenging drawing request, they boys say "Mummy try" while I'm struggling to draw something that I don't even have an idea of how to start.


  1. You are so creative!!! Hey you know what I think? I think your drawing looks great. You should have seen my drawing, I am hopeless in it, even my elder boy laugh at my drawing. :P

  2. Thanks CY. I can't visualize well. That explains why my road looks like that. My husband is contemplating to send me for drawing lesson for the sake of his sons.. haha... :P

  3. haha...'mummy try' - so sweet!

  4. Totally doing this this weekend. Why didn't I think of that?? ;)

  5. I just found your blog from notimeforflashcards and I just had to say I LOVE this idea! I am babysitting a little boy today who loves cars and this will save my day! Thank you thank you.

  6. I'm so happy that this is helpful to you! Thanks for dropping by! :)

  7. Thanks for sharing the information about car ramps. Really a great blog!!

  8. Thanks for sharing the great idea about the Car ramps, really very useful and informative blog for us!!

  9. It's really nice post. I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in sharing this. Keep ramps.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Great and helpful Idea. Thanks for sharing the home made project ....
