
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Year 2011 Resolutions

Haven't been able to post more on our learning activities due to the lack of time to take and process the pictures. As we officially enter the "Terrible Twos X 2", I find myself trying to stop them from tearing each other apart over the brush that's exactly the same as the other and preventing another meltdown caused by frustration from the activity we are doing rather than grabbing the camera to snap a few pictures.

The past 2 months had been really tough.
  • We had a toilet training crisis where K wakes up at 4ish every morning crying to go potty and it doesn't just end there. We would be going through the "I want Potty", then "No No Potty" when I try to carry him and "I want potty" when I stepped back. At 4ish in the morning!! And there was no way to pacify him. Y decided to join the fun and started fussing at this hour few weeks back. So, my husband and I were dealing with 2 extremely cranky toddlers who are screaming for their Mummy at this odd hour. 
  • We often have problems taking public transportation as they prefer the bus when we are taking MRT (Mass Rapid Transit, the subway in Singapore) and very recently, they decided that they would also like to choose the color of the taxi we take. So, we would have screaming toddlers throughout the ride if we were in a Yellow instead of Blue taxi. 
  • I wonder if indecisiveness is a phase in toddlers but K is often indecisive and would cry for water when I give him milk and cry for milk when I offer water, very often, in the middle of the night and in the day too.
There seems to be improvements this week, I'm praying hard for it to continue. 

I guess I'm late with new year resolutions since they should be made before the new year begins but who cares, so long you do something.

In Year 2011 I hope to
  • Improve my photography skills.
  • Learn to play a musical instrument.
  • Organize this blog
There's more I hope to do but I'm not going to be ambitious and stick with these 3 first as they looks quite intimidating to me already! Let's see there's any improvement by the end of the year! :)

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